We (Amy & Meagan) are two moms who met while we were pregnant with out first babies, Luke and Kainan. Those "babies" are now almost 3 years old. Meagan now has another 7.5 month old boy (Jake) and I will have a baby girl (Mikaela) very, very soon. We are starting this blog with the intention of sharing some of our "wisdom" about parenting, being thrifty, crafting, trying to live "greener" and just balancing our busy lives. We will have tips, recipes, reviews, and who knows what else. This blog will have something for all moms and we will talk about anything from cloth diapering to couponing to scraping toddler poo off of a race car bed (I actually did this yesterday!) We aren't perfect and we don't pretend to be which is why we think lots of moms can relate to us. We will also do a lot of product reviews on natural/green products and also things made by WAHM's (work at home moms.) We will be opening an Etsy shop or Hyena Cart store in the near future because we both craft things in our spare time. Currently I have a facebook page for my
Wool Dryer Balls so check it out!
That's it from me, Meagan should be posting soon about herself and her vision for this blog as well as what else we intend to do. Keep checking back for more!
Posted in: Parenting,SAHM
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