Meagan mentioned in her cloth diapering lingo post that we would be reviewing the different types of diapers that we have used. I have been busy with the new baby but I wanted to quickly mention the diapers that I currently use as well as a few that I have previously used. I will be doing full reviews on most of these later.
For Kainan:
Happy Heiny Pockets (size XL) - I use these almost exclusively. Kainan is a BIG boy, about 37 pounds. Most cloth diaper companies don't seem to realize that some toddlers are big and do not make diapers to fit them. Happy Heiny size XL diapers are one that I have found that fits perfectly. I used to stuff the pockets with microfiber inserts but most of the time now I use a premium sized prefold or a Thirsties Hemp Prefold.
Thirsties Prefolds (size L) - I use these with tri-folded premium prefolds (I don't know the brand) or Thirsties Hemp prefolds. I rarely use these because even the size Large is almost too small, but I would use them more often if they fit better.
Blueberry Minky Trainers (size L) - I only have one of these but I use it occasionally, it's cute but doesn't hold pee as well as I'd like.
For Mikaela:
bumGenius AIO (size XS) - These are the PERFECT newborn diaper. Mikaela was 7 1/2 pounds at birth, dropped to 7 and is now over 8 and they fit perfectly. She also has tiny chicken legs (although they are fattening up now) and we haven't had any leaks out the legs. The only leaking problem we have had is when she lays on her belly.
Thirsties AIO (size XS) - For a size "XS" (Thirsties claims they fit from 5lbs up) this is pretty big! I like the diaper but it's much bigger than the bumGenius (which says it fits from 6lbs up.) I love Thirsties because of the double leg gussets and will probably try to find more of these.
Thirsties Duo Diaper (size 1) - This is the only pocket I have used with Mikaela so far. I use it with a Thirsties Hemp insert and it works great!
Others that I have used previously:
gDiapers - I used these with Kainan when we started cloth diapering. They are okay but we had leaking problems. The disposable inserts are pretty horrible, I used cloth inserts (some hemp, some zorb) and that was better. Overall I liked using this (without an insert/liner) as a swim diaper but didn't like it overall.
I have used a few other brands like Fuzzibunz, Kawaii, some WAHM brands, and I have several others for Mikaela that don't fit yet. I will do individual reviews on these diapers soon.

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