The best part of my day is reading to my boys every night. They both look forward to it every night, and I think it has definitely brought my kids closer to each other. Everyone knows that reading to your children from a young age is a great thing, and definitely helps impact their future. Do you read to your child everyday? I could easily read 5-6 books a day to my boys, since they love story time so much. But, no matter how many books we read during the day, I always read them a bedtime story. I normally let Luke choose the book he wants me to read, and that helps him to feel more engaged in it. If your child is at the age where they are starting to read by themselves, then just sit and listen to the story.
Who doesn't love a good book? No matter what age you are, reading is a great thing. Well, this summer all you have to do is read 10 books to/with your child, and they can receive a free book, courtesy of Borders and Waldenbooks. That's it! As long as your child is 12 years or younger, and they read 10 books between June 1, 2011 and September 5, 2011, they qualify for a free book of their choice.
According to the Double Dog Dare Challenge, all you have to do is print
this form, fill out the list of 10 books that your child has read, sign it, and take the entry into a Borders, Borders Express, or Waldenbooks store to select your
free book. To find a location near you, you can visit the
Borders website.
Now, go enjoy some good books!
Posted in: Coupons,Parenting,SAHM,Saving Money,Thrifty
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