For those who don't know an AIO (or all-in-one) diaper is similar to a pocket except the absorbent part is sewn into the diaper. They are very similar to disposables in how they fit and many moms who use other types of diapers buy them for dad, grandma or the babysitter to use.
This diaper comes in twelve cute colors and is said to fit from 6-12 pounds. My daughter was 7 1/2 (dropped to 7 and is now gaining again) at birth and these fit her very well. She also has very skinny legs, some diapers tend to leaky with skinny legged babies but these don't seem to. I think they would fit a baby smaller than her just fine. We only had one leak and that was because my husband thought that he changed her (middle of the night) but didn't so she wore it much longer than usual.
The only downside to these (and any other AIO) diapers is the drying time. I would hang them on the line to dry but since I only have 12 I often need them faster so I have to throw them in the dryer. Some parents do not use cloth until babies fit into a one-size diaper due for financial reasons. It's important to remember that cloth diapers do have a resale value and these diapers seem to re-sell very quickly. The tiniest diapers tend to have the highest resale values because they are used less.
I would rate these diapers 10/10. They are very easy to use, especially if you want to cloth diaper your baby right away. I wish I had bought more of these in the first place, if I had to do it over I would probably buy 24. Luckily I did buy a few smalls when they went on sale. It's unfortunately that bumGenius discontinued the other sizes of this product. I plan to try and find more smalls and possibly mediums because we like them so much.
**Note: I have not been compensated by bumGenius in any way for the review of this product. This is simply my personal experience with this diaper.**

So are you cloth diapering exclusively with Mikaela? =) I might have to grab a few of these for next month when my mom babysits LO for our Anniversary!
I would say NEARLY exclusively. I didn't have enough at first because I only had the 12 but now that her cord stump fell off I can use the smalls or the Thirsties XS AIOs that I have also, so I don't run out as fast. I think since we've been home she has only been in two disposables, but I keep them in the diaper bag too just incase.
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