Meagan said that I should post some of the stuff that I've bought on Amazon. Now I went to my Amazon and had made 69 purchases in the past 6 months so I don't think I'll share ALL of them. Before you think that I am some crazy shopaholic I should mention that 63 of these were purchased with Amazon coupons and cost me little or nothing. In fact, since I am WEIRD I have a spreadsheet detailing all of my Amazon purchases and my total cost. In case you were wondering my total for those 63 purchases was $188.66. That sounds like a pretty good deal, but when you consider that $125 of that was a carseat for Kainan the total comes to $63.66. So basically less than $1 per purchase, not bad huh? Okay I've gotten off topic. Most of that $63.66 was Amazon gift cards that I have bought with my swag bucks. You definitely don't have to use your swag bucks to buy gift cards, but here are some of the things I have purchased on Amazon using swag bucks (combined with gift cards as I mentioned.)

Rockin' Green is the only soap that I use for my diapers. I have used regular laundry soap and it just doesn't get the smell out of diapers as well as Rockin' Green does. There are many places that sell Rockin' Green online but I buy mine through Amazon because of the free shipping. Rockin' Green can also be used on regular clothes (although I don't because I am cheap) and has many uses besides laundry.
Amazon has a lot of different cloth diapers. Cloth diapering saves money (as long as you don't go overboard!) and using swag bucks to buy Amazon gift cards saves even more. I bought this
Fuzzibunz Onesize diaper with Amazon coupons and paid only $1.97 for it (which was covered by my gift cards from swag bucks.) I also bought two others for $3 and $5. Just as a warning, this diaper does not NEARLY fit to 45 pounds like it says it does (Kainan is just under 40 and it won't fit him at all) but it works really well for Mikaela and should for months.
Diego cups |
Amazon has lots of cups, bottles, binkies, etc. and a lot of times the price is cheaper than it would be a store like Wal-Mart or Target. During the Amazon coupon promotions I bought two sets of cups for Kainan. One with
Diego and one with Backyardigans. Kids seem to lose cups so quickly it never hurts to have extras! I also bought some 2 packs of Playtex Drop-ins bottles (in the 4oz and 8oz sizes) as well as Playtex Breastmilk storage kits.
organic cotton toy |
Amazon also has a lot of natural baby products for very good prices. I bought a 3 pack of Johnson's Naturals baby wash (I was curious to try it even though I'm not a fan of the Johnson's brand.) I also bought a 2 pack of Burt's Bees Bubble bath, which I love. Amazon has really good prices (much better than Wal-Mart) when you buy multiples and it never hurts to have extras. I also bought some
organic cotton stuffed toys, organic cotton blankets, BPA free teethers, and organic cotton preemie prefold diapers (tons of uses for these.)

I had to dig through those 69 entries to see if I had actually bought anything for myself. I lost my camera battery charger (I have since found it) and ordered a replacement. Sometimes Amazon has the best price on electronics also. Amazon is also great for buying movies and books. Years ago all that you really thought when you heard "Amazon" was books! Wow has that changed.
Nautilus |
I bought Kainan a
Graco Nautilus car seat on Amazon. I didn't use swag bucks for this (I didn't have any) but I used a $10 off coupon and Amazon had the best price at the time anyway. Kainan is very large for his age and was getting too big for the 5 point harness in his other two car seats (an Alpha Omega Elite and a Graco Comfortsport) so we bought him this. I have to recommend this carseat to anyone who has a bigger kid! They can be in the 5pt until 65 pounds and after that it is a high back or backless booster also. It is only forward facing so it is obviously not an infant seat but it works great for bigger kids.
Mikaela's room (which she is never in) has a Fisher price Rainforest/Precious planet theme and Amazon had some great deals on decorations for that. I bought this wall plague and also some wall stickers. Amazon had lots of other stuff to fit this theme but it was mostly stuff that I already had.
boy colors |
If you cloth diaper having wet bags is very important. I made my own hanging wet bags and pail liner, but I did buy two sets of these
Kushies 2 packs (boy and girl colors) on Amazon. They are just over $10 for two wet bags. These are really great to use in the diaper bag when you are out. Even though they are drawstring I haven't had any leaks at all. Even if you don't cloth diaper these little bags have many uses. They can be used to hold dirty clothes, sippy cups, bottles, clean clothes, toys, etc!
I use
Dr. Bronners soap Fels-Naptha. I used a $5 gift card that I bought with swag bucks to purchase this and only had to pay $.25 out of pocket!
soon to be my new cup! |
So as you can see there are a LOT of options for what you can buy with Amazon gift cards purchased with swag bucks. I have one $5 giftcard right now and I am about to have a $15 credit to my account. I will also be getting 2 or 3 more $5 cards soon so now comes the fun of figure out what to get! Meagan sent me a link to some super cool reusable cups and I am definitely getting some!! My husband has a reusable coffee mug that we bought at Wal-Mart and they have lots of similar stuff on Amazon. I am definitely going to buy a couple of
these for Josh and myself, and maybe one for Kainan. They seem kind of expensive at nearly $8 each but when you consider that buying a soda or other drink while you are out costs close to $2 they're not so bad. While looking at these kinds of cups I found so much more reusable stuff that I'd never thought of like these
snow cone cups. Using products like these saves money and is better for the environment, so everybody wins!
Posted in: Cloth Diapering,Coupons,In the Kitchen,Laundry,Living Green,Parenting,Saving Money,Swagbucks,Thrifty
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