Next week, we will be starting a new feature called the Coupon Grab Bag. If your thrifty, then you know that coupons are an essential way of life.
I clip hundreds of coupons a week. I clip every single coupon from my Sunday paper and All You magazine subscription. Hey, I don't pay for them to just throw valuable money away! Well, I have many, many coupons for dog food, dog treats, cat food, and cat treats. I don't own a dog or a cat and don't plan on getting one anytime soon, so I have no use for these coupons. In addition, I have many almond, peanut, and pistachio coupons. I am highly allergic to nuts, therefore I'll never use these coupons. This is where the Coupon Grab Bag comes in. Every week, we'll post an updated list of coupons that are up for grabs. We ask that in turn for "grabbing" some coupons on the list, you send us any coupons you have that you won't use. We will then update the list with coupons sent to us from you!
Following the premiere of the Coupon Grab Bag, we will be starting a series on How to Become an Expert at Couponing. So stay on the lookout for that on Monday as well.

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