There is quite an abundance of cloth training pants available on the market today. Unfortunately, the price can be a bit steep, considering you don't know how well they work. With my oldest son, we tried everything from cloth training pants to Pull-Ups. We finally found the perfect combination, and got him 100% potty trained in less than a week.
Gerber Training Pants |
When he was finally ready to sit and attempt to pee on the potty, we picked up some Gerber Training Pants from Walmart for about $8, and he loved the designs of little cars and footballs. He thought they were the coolest big boy underwear in the world. They are great, because they are thicker than underwear, but not too thick that your child won't feel wet if they pee themselves.
We also bought some
Gerber All-in-One Training Pants for $12 for bedtime. They work great. They aren't too bulky, but bulky enough in case he has an accident, he doesn't get all wet.
Gerber All-in-One Training Pants |
We actually got very lucky while potty training Luke, because he picked it up the second day of training, and hasn't worn a diaper, or Pull-Up and hasn't had an accident since then. He thinks it's the coolest thing to be able to wear big boy underwear and go on the big potty like Mommy and Daddy. Every once in a while, if we're going on a long car ride, I'll put him in one of the All-in-One's, but he never goes in them. Also, if he's running low on underwear, and I need to do laundry, the Training Pants are a decent substitute. Of course, now that he has Toy Story, Cars, Nemo, Star Wars, Thomas, and Star Wars underwear, the little cars and football designs aren't comparable, but they work in a pinch.
Also, a word to the wise. When it does come time to buy your little one big kid underwear, do not go to Walmart expecting to get a deal, because you won't. Underwear is so expensive! I scoured the clearance sections of TJ Maxx, Marshall's, Ross, and Burlington Coat Factory to find 3 packs marked down to $3 and 5 packs marked down to $4-$5. Do not, I repeat, do not spend $10-$12 on a 5 pack of underwear if you don't have to! Luke outgrew his first pack of underwear within 3 weeks, and we had to go out and find some larger ones. When you find two or three packs on the clearance rack at a store in your child's size, let them pick out their favorite pack. Luke loves that! Sometimes, you can find good deals on
ebay as well. So, good luck with the potty training, and remember, this is just another baby step, like learning to walk and learning to talk. They'll figure it out before you know it!
Posted in: Cloth Diapering,Diapering,Living Green,Product Reviews,Saving Money,Walmart
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