
Santa's Wonderland at Bass Pro Shops

If you live near a Bass Pro Shops, you need to go, go, go and  take your kids to visit Santa's Wonderland! We took Kainan last week and honestly I wasn't expecting much. I was expecting a free picture with Santa, employees trying to push picture packages on you and not much else. I was wrong! Of course it's a store, so there were lots of (overpriced) toys everywhere, but there were also lots of fun, free activities. Kainan got to make an ornament, got a free Santa bandz (like SillyBandz,) got to ride a merry-go-round, colored some pictures, and also played with various toys and went down and "ice" slide. He absolutely loved it. Kainan...


Triple Cash Back at Wal-Mart and Toys-R-Us on Ebates!

Do you have some online shopping to do before Christmas? Ebates is now offering triple cash back on purchases from Wal-Mart and Toys R Us! If you haven't signed up for Ebates yet, it is a site that offers cash back on purchases made online every quarter. You can get this cash back in the form of a check or directly into your paypal. Currently Ebates is offering 3% cash back from walmart.com and 7% from Toysrus.com. Even better, Wal-mart offers FREE site to store shipping, so you could get 3% cash back plus free shipping. If you haven't signed up for Ebates get, go here and sign up! There will probably be other great cash back deals before Christm...
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